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Take the Rail Safety Pledge & Check Out More Rail Safety Information Below!

Take the Rail Safety Pledge & Check Out More Rail Safety Information Below!

Chuggington logo. Union Pacific logo. Safe Kids Worldwide logo.
Trains are big!
Trains are quiet!
Trains are fast & can take up to a mile to stop!
To the pledge!
Don’t walk along train tracks. Walking near or on tracks is against the law and trains can overhang tracks by at least 3 feet. TRAINS ARE BIG!
Cross railroad tracks only at places marked by a crossbuck, lights or a gate. And look both ways before you cross. TRAINS ARE QUIET!
Wait for the train to pass. When lights are flashing or the gates are down, wait for the train to pass. Even if you are in a hurry, don’t try to beat the train by rushing across the tracks. Trains can take up to a mile to stop! TRAINS ARE FAST!
Chuggington logo. Union Pacific logo. Safe Kids Worldwide logo.
3535 have already taken the rail safety pledge!

PARENTS & CAREGIVERS: Set An Example & Sign the Rail Safety Pledge! Review the Rail Safety Tips With Your Chuggers & Pledge To Be Rail Safe Together!

Take the Chuggington Rail Safety Pledge! Earn Your Rail Safety Badge!

I promise to be safe around trains and railroad tracks. By following Rail Safety tips and teaching others about rail safety, I will make myself and my community safer and stronger!

Check Out the Rail Safety Video!

Check Out the Rail Safety Video!

Join Wilson, Koko, and Brewster as they share important rail safety tips from Union Pacific and Safe Kids WorldWide.

Join Wilson, Koko, and Brewster as they share important rail safety tips from Union Pacific and Safe Kids WorldWide.

Chuggington logo. Union Pacific logo. Safe Kids Worldwide logo.

Make Sure Your School Is Rail Safe!

More great activities for teachers, classrooms and schools.

Great activities for teachers, classrooms and schools available from desktop.

Rail Safety Bulletin Board or Door Decor Kit for your Classroom!

Use these great cut outs to make the most Chugtastic Rail Safety Bulletin Board or Door Wrap for the Classroom or anywhere in the school!


Rail Safety Poster Kit for your School!

Great Posters for your School with Key Rail Safety Messages. Perfect for Hallways, Bathrooms, over Water Fountains or the Classroom!


Rail Safety Pledge Kit for your School!

Get your entire school involved in Rail Safety! See how many students can be Rail Safe in your School by challenging everyone to take the Rail Safety Pledge!


More Rail Safety Tips For Caregivers, Parents & Educators!

Top tips about railroad safety
  • Only cross train tracks at a designated crossing. Designated crossings are marked by a sign, lights or a gate.
  • If lights are flashing or the gate is down at a railroad crossing, wait for the train to pass completely, the gates to lift and the lights to stop flashing before crossing. It is never ok to rush across and try to beat the train. Trains may be closer and faster than you think.
  • Allow enough space for your vehicle to completely clear the entire railroad crossing, not just the tracks on either side, so even though you clear the tracks, you may still get hit by the train.
  • If you are using a cell phone, headphones or playing a game on your mobile phone, remember: Heads Up, Devices Down when you cross the tracks. Once a train starts to brake, it can take a mile for the train to stop. So when you see a train, its already too late for it to stop for you. Headphones should be removed, so you can hear an approaching train.
  • Don't be tempted to walk along the train tracks. It might be a shortcut, but it is dangerous and not worth the risk. It is also against the law to walk on the track and the land around it because it is private property.
Chuggington logo. Union Pacific logo. Safe Kids Worldwide logo.
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